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  • Writer's pictureKathrino

Week 7 - The Fair's in Town!

Updated: May 25, 2021

For my final project, I wanted to create a scene similar to the park and street - but with a fairground and circus theme.



  • Mary Poppins (1964) - The Carrousel

Pinterest Board:


The initial idea for my final animation was going to be a beach scene.

When drawing the beach scene, I based the style on Blackpool beach. I actually enjoyed the idea of having a rollercoaster for the scene to reference pleasure beach but felt like it had to be a separate piece of animation.

I'm glad I changed the idea, as I found my inspiration from fairgrounds and the circus.


Backgrounds, Assets and Characters:

Final Background:

Texture used on Characters:

Final Animation:

Summary to Animation:

The target audience for this animation are kids. With the audience in mind I wanted to create a child friendly animation, with lots of things going on.

The fairground purposely has many different narratives happening, to increase the replay value. The platforms I upload to often replay until they are scrolled passed - e.g. Instagram and TikTok. By having a strong replay value it can increase popularity due to the social media algorithms.

To make it more kid friendly, I wanted to make an activity sheet which would relate to the animation:

The activity sheet gives kids questions to focus them when watching the animation but also can be used a colouring sheet.

In the future I want to create colouring sheets for children based on the world I've created, but also this could be another way of implementing my animations in the future.


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