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  • Writer's pictureKathrino

Week 4 - Treating TV Paint like a Sketchbook

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

For this weeks project, I wanted to experiment with the brushes and treat the programme like a digital sketchbook.


Experiment 1 - Cacti Blinking


  • Richard Hogg - Hohokum (2014)

  • Printed Friend (Instagram)

Sketchbook Page

Final Animation:


Experiment 2 - Growing Flowers

Sketchbook Pages:

Final Animation:



In conclusion to this week project, I don't think I was successful compared to using a sketchbook for idea generation.

When using TV Paint, there is an added pressure to animate whatever you end up drawing. Idea generation is about putting your ideas down quickly and for me personally I like to make it a fun experience with the materials I use.

TV Paint is a software I'm confident using when animating a planned project, but using it for idea generation doesn't work for me.

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