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  • Writer's pictureKathrino

The Cat Dancers - Pre-Production

A 5 second animation of a Dad cat teaching his son how to dance.

"A father cat teaching his son how to dance."


  • Dad Cat : A confident Tom cat, who knows to dress for the occasion, and knows how to impress a Queen cat

  • Son Cat : A little cat who doesn't yet take life seriously and enjoys to mess around, rather than listen to his father.

Audience: Anyone who likes cats, could appeal to the younger audience due to the relatability of the younger kitten

Genre: Comedic


References for Ideas:

  • The Aristocats - Everybody wants to be a Cat:


Sound Treatment:

  • Radio music - Old fashioned Jazz? Similar to 'Aristocats'

  • Feet on floor

  • Purring


Backgrounds, Sketches and Storyboard


This animation can be combined with 2 future animations to create a narrative of an owner walking in on the two dancing, being shocked, rubbing her eyes in disbelief and then finding them both sleeping like it was all in her imagination.

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