For week 4 I was challenged by my lecturers to make my backgrounds come to life to make my future animations 'come to life'.
Initial Ideas
Clock ticking
TV on
Steam from kettle
Outside, trees swaying in wind
Lights flickering
Candles flickering
Leaves blowing in wind
Radio on
Clouds moving
Pinterest Board -
References for Ideas:
via - Izzy Burton
Van Gogh Exhibition - The Immersive Experience (Leicester - 31/10/2020)
At the 'Van Gogh Expo' I was surprised to find that they had taken his work and animated it to make his work come even more to life. The work was projected and animations was layered over the top of the art occasionally but they also used 'pegs' on the art to allow it to move subtlety.
The way they moved thinks in the background to make it move, gave me a few ideas for the project I want to complete this week.
Fresh Guacamole - PES - Stop motion animation
Last week's advise and feedback I was given to complete this project was : "Create backgrounds in assets to allow you to cut them out easier and also cut them to match the style of your art."
After this feedback I spent to next couple of days creating assets for my environments and thinking about objects which would move nice within a background.
Sound Feedback 03/11/2020
The sound in my previous animations were simple and very obvious, I've played it safe but need to challenge this further in my work.
For intimate moments, make the sounds perspective close e.g. when the bird drinks from the water
Have more contrast between the sounds and animations to make more of an expressive statement in your work.
Always play devils advocate when your playing it safe, break your traditional rules when it comes to sound, art and animation.
For a week, start with the sound and animate around it
Don't confine yourself just to what you see, what else could be happening in that space.
After this feedback I wanted to make this weeks project punctuate more of what you see on the screen. For the audio of this project, I want to combine both sounds I find online but also make sounds myself with things I find around the house.
Backgrounds, Assets and Sketches
